The Leonard P. Howell Foundation
26 Banana Walk
Kingston 8,
Jamaica, W.I.
Tel: (876) 931-2222
Tuesday August 28, 2012
The Director,
Jamaica National Heritage Trust
August 28, 2012.
Dear Sir,
Warm and fraternal greetings. The purpose of this letter is two fold, firstly to advise you that the Howell Foundation under the leadership of Monty Howell is the sole group with the responsibility to make demands on behalf of the Legacy of Leonard P. Howell, Prophet and founding Philosopher of the idea and movement of Rastafari. I want to make this clarification due to some errors of the past. Secondly, please find attached a sort of “position paper” renewing the call for the recognition of Howell for his contribution to the history of Jamaican and the world (since the Movement of Rastafari is global); and that a National Heritage site be identified and established where Pinnacle, the “crucible” for the wider development of Rastafari and the idea self reliance through its concept of an
“Industrial Mission” type character of the commune.
It is important to note that some writers have illustrated the extent of his influence in politics, culture, literature and thought construction / philosophy. It is important that some attention be paid to Howell and the early Rastafari movement of Jamaica. Additionally Rastafari has been a most important point of unity in Jamaica. It crosses party and racial lines. It is without a doubt that he has been the most successful and influential leader of the black masses of Jamaica and certainly one of the leading black consciousness leader of the 20th century.
I want to assure your office of our intention: firstly a national recognition of the founder of the idea and movement; and secondly the establishment of a “National Heritage Site” that will assume the general character of national monuments informed by the essence of the idea and movement. This request has been made years ago but the development was arrested. I would like to ask you office to renew, with a little more vigour, the process looking into our request.
Thanking you in anticipation.
Yours Sincerely
Monty Howell,
Leonard P. Howell Foundation
I always wondered about this legacy. Its a pleasure to know about heirs to Mr. Powell, and you are protecting this legacy.
Peace, love, prosperity and progress from america.
In Solidarity,
Beverly Campbell
Sisters Taking Ownership of Community & Kulture
Occupy the Hood Orlando
Greetings and Blessings.I had the wonderful onutrtproupity to catch the Washington, D.C. premiere of Rasta a Soul’s Journey. It was a pleasure to view this vision from the eyes of a young and inquisitive spirit such as Ms. Pendagrast. I can remember being her age and having the same questions. As a Black American, I did not have the luxury of growing up around Rastafari, or its history, but as I became an adult, the works of Marcus Garvey and many other revolutionaries became a part of my consciousness. Distinctively, reggae music and Bob Marley also became a very important ancestor for me. Later I began to collect and research the musicology of Reggae, its history and inner workings, this very important music allowed me to repatriate to Africa. An important element in seeking Rastafari; I moved to The Gambia, West Africa, reeling from being in the belly of the beast. In my quest to remain a repatriate I continue to make investment in Africa. No, Rastafari is not simply a dreadloc thing. Its highly important to seek the leg of repatriating, and setting foot and/investment in the mother continent. While living in Gambia, I found Rastafari is highly loved and respected, yet misunderstood. However, it is an accepted way of life there, and I have found other African repatriates who share the desire to see a united africa, and leaving the comforts’ of babylon, no matter how delusional it is. It was a pleasure to see your film explore the various corners of the world that have embraced Rastafari and its tenements, I have found Rastafari is in how one walks, talks and treat others, it has nothing to do with the exterior anymore, as dreadlocs the style is one that will never go away. Reggae music will last forever, and the hope of a United Black Africa will remain our vision for the future. Itinuned guidance and love in all your worksAdjua Dubb