From: Lisa Grant 
Sent: Fri 6/14/13 9:27 PM
To: ‘Michael Barnett’
Cc: ‘Dorrick Gray’

Dear Dr. Barnett,


We do intend to declare additional lots and are in discussions concerning that matter, as to the timeline it is difficult to give one at this time.  The process is approximately 2 – 3 months from the point of approval, if there are no objections or issues.  We did wish to take the initial step of declaring Lot 199, to ensure that there was a national monument declared for the founder of Rastafari after these years of deliberation.


You may not have been aware, but the impetus to acquire lots at Pinnacle did not come from the JNHT but from the Office of the Prime Minister during the Golding administration which would have taken place concurrently with the declaration.  This process was abandoned when objections were raised to the Notice of Intention to Declare lots at Pinnacle a few years ago.  The process of acquisition is similar to land purchase which means the registered owners would have to be compensated at the value of the land.  The JNHT is a regulatory body which gives legal recognition to heritage sites through declaration or designation of national monuments and protected national heritage.  The process does not give proprietary rights to the JNHT over the declared/designated land, but gives the JNHT jurisdiction over any development (which includes demolition and any alteration) of the site in question as a means of ensuring the heritage integrity of the site is maintained.  At times, the government or private individuals have handed heritage property over to the JNHT for their management and safekeeping, but this is not on a large scale.


Therefore, for clarity, as there is oftentimes some misunderstanding as it relates to declarations; declaration as a national monument is a legal recognition of heritage value and does not transfer ownership or any proprietary rights to the JNHT or any other entity.  It is regulatory.


I hope this is of some assistance.


All the best for the symposium, please give our greetings to your guests.




Lisa Grant

Legal Officer

Jamaica National Heritage Trust

79 Duke Street
